

"In a company of our size, every contribution is crucial and has a direct impact on the business" - The case of Seyna

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Olivier Croce

Olivier Croce

Founder & Managing Director

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Hello Gianni ! Can you introduce Seyna for our readers?

Gianni Lapormerie, Talent Acquisition @Seyna

Hello Skeelz! Of course it is. Seyna, today is first and foremost about fifty Seynators who have set themselves a slightly crazy goal: That no one should be afraid to launch themselves anymore. Since 2018, our mission has been to make insurance the protective force that enables people to launch their dreams and projects. Overall, we're trying to solve a major problem: the long and complex process that companies and brokers face when they want to sell insurance. In the past, technology in the insurance industry has been more of an obstacle than a driver of change. We noticed that, unfortunately, the insurance world was hampered by its technological tools. Our aim, therefore, was to simplify and optimize this complicated process. To achieve this, we created a platform that enables brokers to quickly launch their first insurance offers, increase their revenues and optimize their operations. Today, Seyna offers tools that enable the creation of tailor-made insurance products and customer experiences, in a timeframe that defies all competition on the market. After 4 years in business, the platform is already protecting nearly 2 million people through a hundred brokerage firms. Our goal: to protect a billion people through technology.

How did Seyna come about? Is it linked to the complexity you've just described?

Exactly. The idea was born of a simple but crucial observation: the insurance sector, despite its size and major players, was suffering from a notable technological lag. Our founders, who came from this sector, clearly saw the opportunity. They understood that it was essential to integrate technology effectively into insurance, not only to modernize the sector, but above all to refocus insurers on what really matters: their customers. Seyna's vision was to close the technology gap and make a significant contribution to the industry.

What would you say to a candidate to make them want to join you?

That's an excellent question! At Seyna, we're currently a team of about fifty people, and I'd say there are four main reasons to join us. First, it's our market and our ambition. The European insurance market is a colossal 560 billion euros a year. We're building an unprecedented infrastructure to modernize this sector. It's an exciting entrepreneurial project, and we're only at the beginning. To give you an idea, since 2019, we've raised 47 million euros, we're working with around 100 brokers and we cover almost 2 million people.

Secondly, it's the individual impact that everyone can have at Seyna. In a company of our size, every contribution is crucial and directly visible on the business. At Seyna, we encourage innovation and experimentation, which is embodied in our values "Own it, Build it", "Be bold and Act Fast" and "Build it, Track it, tweak it". To give just one example, we have Jean-Baptiste on the team who, at the age of 25, has developed an actuarial intelligence that is unique on the market. If you have an idea and are ready to launch it, Seyna is the environment for you.

Thirdly, the team. At Seyna, you'll have the opportunity to work with smart, humble, collaborative experts in science and technology. This ties in with our values of "Humble Experts", "Grow Together" and "Be Insanely Helpful".

And finally, the diversity of subjects. In insurance, subjects are extremely varied and technical, ranging from accounting to law to technology. It's an ideal environment in which to learn quickly and become an expert in your field.

What does a "Made in Seyna" recruitment process look like?

Our recently revised recruitment process is truly candidate-centric. We offer rigorous follow-up with rapid feedback, usually within 24 to 48 hours. Our approach is structured around six stages: an interview with the recruiter, an interview with the hiring manager, a skills assessment, a cultural fit interview, a final interview, and finally a reference check before making an offer.

The first three interviews focus on technical and interpersonal skills, while the next two focus on cultural fit and Seyna's values. It's a balance between assessing skills and making sure the candidate fits well into our culture.

The onboarding process is just as important. It begins before the new employee's first day, with a welcome breakfast and job-specific training. The aim is to quickly integrate the newcomer into the team and provide him or her with all the resources needed to succeed.

Which brings us to the next question: can you share the profiles you're currently recruiting?

Seyna is currently recruiting on several fronts. We're looking for a property underwriter for our sales team, a health lawyer for the legal team, and in the actuarial team we need a health actuary and a profitability actuary. We will also soon be opening positions in the technical field, notably for a senior software engineer and a staff engineer.

👉To discover all Seyna's offers

And regarding the creation of your team, do you have a ritual or best practice to share that hasn't been mentioned yet?

Yes, there's something really special that we do. For example, in July, before our summer party, we invited two people who would be joining us two weeks later. This gave them a chance to meet the team in an informal, festive setting, before we even officially started. I find this practice incredible, as it allows us to integrate newcomers in a warmer, more convivial way. It's a great way of making future employees feel part of the team.

Last question: why should we NOT join you?

That's an interesting question. Seyna, like many startups and scale-ups, is not for everyone. With us, everything evolves rapidly, processes change frequently and we're always on the lookout for innovation. This environment requires a high degree of adaptability. If someone prefers to stay in their comfort zone, isn't comfortable with change, or doesn't have that entrepreneurial, risk-taking spirit, then Seyna is probably not the best choice for them.

Thank you Gianni for your time and this exchange!