

"This decentralization of recruitment is a major asset for us, as it enables us to make the best choices and maintain our corporate culture, even as we grow." - The Hubvisory case!

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Pierre CathelinCo-founder of Hubvisory

Hello Pierre! Can you introduce Hubvisory to our readers?

Of course! Hubvisory is a company specializing in Product support for key accounts in France. Our main role is to help major French companies build digital products at the cutting edge of technology and user needs. To do this, we've put together a team covering several areas of expertise.

Our core business is that of Product Manager. We also have Product Leaders, who focus on the organizational aspect and on building the skills of our customers' teams. We also have Product Designers and Product Engineers, who contribute their expertise to help our customers develop digital products from A to Z.

After seven years in business, Hubvisory now has just over 130 employees. Our approach is truly holistic, from design to implementation, including process and skills optimization.

Can you tell us how the company came into being and what motivated you to embark on this adventure?

The Hubvisory story began in 2016 with my two partners. We all had previous experience in product management and, in discussion together, we identified a unique opportunity to create a company specializing in this field.

What appealed to us was the possibility of merging the best of two worlds: that of consulting and that of web agency. From consulting, we took the deep involvement with customers and strategic thinking. And from the agency, the pragmatic aspect, the fact of being "doers" - those who really do what they say, not just create slides.

In our opinion, product management was the perfect discipline to combine these two forces into a coherent methodology. We were convinced of its great added value, especially for large companies wishing to create effective digital products that meet users' needs. That's how we saw a real business opportunity in 2016.

The other major motivation for us was to revolutionize the employee experience in the consulting world. We wanted to innovate by offering coaching, training and mentoring, as well as a corporate culture and internal life unlike anything that had existed before. We were convinced that we had new ideas to contribute in this area too. That's why we decided to embark on this exciting adventure.

What would you say to a candidate interested in joining you?

That you first need to be genuinely passionate about Product. Unlike other service companies, we focus on a limited number of areas, but we aspire to excel in all of them. This passion for excellence is fundamental.

This, combined with a constant desire to progress, to learn and, above all, to share. At Hubvisory, we're a team where everyone contributes to each other's skills development, which is a crucial aspect of our corporate culture.

Secondly, joining Hubvisory means getting involved in ambitious projects that have a real impact. We work for major French and global companies on products that are essential to their operations and growth. Participating in these projects means having a significant influence on their success.

Finally, you need to be ambitious and willing to take on responsibility. Hubvisory is a fast-growing company, and we need people who are ready to take on new challenges and push the project ever further. Being able to step out of your comfort zone and constantly evolve are qualities we particularly value.

Do you have a recruitment-related anecdote to share that marked a turning point or led to a significant advance in your methods or practices?

Absolutely. We attach great importance to the NPS (Net Promoter Score) of the candidates who pass through our recruitment process. We've always had good feedback, but a few years ago we identified an area for improvement in interview 2, which focuses on hard skills.

Previously, we asked candidates to carry out a practical case study at home, which represented a considerable investment of time. What's more, the case presentation interview was not as dynamic as we would have liked. Following this observation, our managers formed a task force to rethink the candidate experience at this precise stage of the process.

The solution they have come up with is a practical case carried out live during the interview. For around an hour to an hour and a half, the managers guide the candidate through various practical exercises. This makes the interview much more interactive and enjoyable, for both candidates and managers. Candidates benefit from immediate and constructive feedback, and even if the result is negative, they leave with significant learning. This innovation has made the interview more pleasant and efficient, and marked a clear improvement in our recruitment process.

Can you tell us about the simplest and most complicated aspects of running Hubvisory?

One of the easiest aspects is the involvement of different departments and people in our recruitment processes. This is quite natural for us, as our team members are really enthusiastic about participating in the selection of new Hubvisors. This decentralization of recruitment is a major asset for us, as it enables us to make the best choices and maintain our corporate culture, even as we grow. People are naturally motivated by recruitment, which makes things a lot easier.

The hard part, however, is putting the right processes and tools in place to speed up recruitment. We're convinced that speed is key for candidates, who are often engaged in several processes at once. It's essential to provide them with quick answers and make the process transparent for everyone.

However, speeding up the recruitment process is no easy task. Recruitment is never binary. It often involves in-depth discussions with several people about a CV, a candidate, an interview and so on. Organizing all this while making the best possible decisions under tight deadlines remains a constant challenge. This requires us to think carefully about our processes and the tools we use to ensure speed and efficiency.

That's a perfect segue into our next question. Could you tell us about the recruitment and onboarding process at Hubvisory?

Our recruitment process is divided into three main stages. The first is an HR interview to find out more about the candidate's experience, understand their background and expectations for their next professional experience, and assess the extent to which Hubvisory can meet these expectations.

The second stage is an interview with the managers, focusing on a practical case to assess the candidate's hard skills. Finally, the third stage is an interview with the division directors, focusing on short, dynamic simulations, soft skills and a final exchange on the candidate's motivation before our final decision.

As for onboarding at Hubvisory, it lasts two weeks, which is relatively long, but we believe it's a crucial phase in the life of a company. The first few days are devoted to getting to know the company: getting to grips with our tools, understanding the different processes, settings, etc. There will also be presentations by various members of staff. There will also be presentations by various speakers, including us, the founders, where we share the company's history, our current position, our ambitions, our vision, our values and the Hubvisory culture.

Then, as the days progress, training becomes more specific to the business, especially for consultants. The aim is to give them all the resources they need to do a quality job and fully satisfy our customers, even if they're new to Hubvisory.

Do you have a best practice to share with us in terms of onboarding or engagement?

When it comes to onboarding and employee commitment, a key aspect of our approach is recruitment by promotion. This greatly facilitates the integration of new arrivals. Instead of arriving alone in a company of over 100 people, they start their Hubvisory adventure with a small group, which makes integration much easier and helps create strong bonds between new employees. It also enables us to invest heavily in onboarding, which lasts two weeks. During this period, new arrivals meet a dozen or so speakers who introduce them to different subjects and train them in various aspects of the company. This system of recruitment by promotion has been very well received and has proved effective in maintaining a high level of commitment and involvement among our staff.

Any jobs you're currently recruiting for and/or news you'd like to share with us?

In terms of recruitment, we're mainly targeting product-related professions for the consulting side, such as product managers, product leaders, product designers and product engineers. These positions are open both on permanent contracts and internships. In addition, for our core internal functions, we recruit in sales, HR, talent acquisition, marketing and finance. This includes roles such as sales, account managers, HR, and talent acquisition managers.

To apply to Hubvisory, click here.

In terms of news, this year we launched a new product-mode transformation support offering for key accounts, called the Summit. This offering is geared towards less operational and more strategic missions, focusing on organization and consulting for our customers' senior executives. It's a fast-growing offering, and one we're very proud of.

Last question: why should we NOT join you?

I'd say that if you don't like change, Hubvisory is probably not the right company to join. We operate in an industry that is constantly changing, and it's essential to be able to adapt continuously. The Product world has evolved enormously since our company was founded 7 years ago, and these changes are significant.

Those considering joining us need to see change as a positive opportunity rather than a threat. At Hubvisory, it's crucial to regularly challenge ourselves to stay ahead of the market and avoid resting on our laurels. That's why learning and sharing are fundamental values for us. We're constantly adapting, and it's important to be ready to step out of your comfort zone frequently in a company like ours.

Thanks for this exchange, Pierre!